Do you know Clare Torry?

She's the great voice in the Pink Floyd song The Great Gig In The Sky on their 1973 album Dark Side Of The Moon.

3/16/20241 min read

Here is Clare Torry singing on "The Great Gig In The Sky"                         

Here is Clare telling her story

In the video above, Clare tells the story of how she sang on a song for the English rock band Pink Floyd. She had been paid a mere 30 pounds at the time for her couple hours of studio work. Although she always kept in good standing with the band, she has never performed for them since that studio session. But in 2006 Clare won a lawsuit to finally give her some royalties for the great job she'd done. Clare was a minor English artist at the time, and has recorded a few albums. She now has an estimated wealth of 10 million dollars. Much of that was likely from the royalties she finally received from the Pink Floyd song.